I am so excited Keith just ordered me this! A brand new, Purple, Ipod Nano 16 GB. Wahoo. I have been telling April and Keith that I wanted an Ipod to walk/run/exercise with, I was thinking music would help so I wouldn't get bored and keep me moving fast. I was thinking of buying one with my next paycheck. At Boeing, Keith gets points for being a good boy, he had enough and then some to get this for me.
I asked my Laurels which one to get and this is the one they told me. It has a Video Camera, FM Radio with live pause, also when the radio is playing is shows the song and artist, a pedometer, and lots of room for Videos - 16 hours worth, and of course many tunes, exactly 4000 to be exact. Oh yea a 2.2 inch screen.I am so lucky, April is not so happy she says she doesn't want to teach me because I am electronic illiterate. Anybody want to take on the job?